Friday, October 30, 2015

What a fun week we have had in the Giraffe room! Our theme this week was "Out of the Box!" We explored how to turn recycled items into fun experiments and toys. We used our problem solving skills, imagination and creativity! 

Fun at Home!
Want to make number/letter constellations like you'll see in the blog? It's really easy!
1.We cut construction paper into small squares (index cards work too!). 
2. On each square we drew a number. 
3. We used a single hole punch to trace the numbers on each square. 
4. Shine a strong flashlight through the card and it will look like a constellation of stars! 

Have fun taking turns looking at the numbers/letters!

Enjoy our pictures from this week!

Milk Experiment!
We looked at what happens when we put food coloring 
in milk and add drops of soap! 
The milk moved away from the soap, dragging the colors with it!
We talked about the different colors we used, as well as, 
the difference between liquids and solids. 
We discovered that the milk, food coloring, and soap were all 
liquids. However, our plate, and containers were all solid. 

Pouring the milk...

 Examining the soap more closely...

 The colors don't touch when there is no soap!

Whoa! The colors are moving away 
from the soap when Ms. Tremmel 
brings the straw close to them!

 The kids did a great job of making predictions and 
using their words to describe what they see!

 We turned paper towel rollers into stamps! 
They looked a lot like fall leaves!

 We also used the paper towel rollers to make yarn rockets (or zip-lines). 
We tried it without balloons and then with balloons. 
The kids figured out that the balloons made the rockets go faster!
We also experimented with different angles!

 The teachers made box mazes using cardboard boxes and straws! 
The students had to get the pom-poms from one X to the other. 

 Sticker tracing the numbers one and four!

Over by the counter, we have posters of all of the letters we have learned.
The students can velcro pictures that start with that letter onto the poster.
This is great pre-reading practice! 

 Letter K Kangaroos!

 We cut paper towel rolls to different sizes
and painted them an assortment of colors.
The students were encouraged to use them to sort pom-poms by color
or to create a big tunnel to put a pom-pom through.
This was fun mini engineering project!

 We filled our sensory bucket with random craft objects and 
students used the objects to make paper plate faces!

 We built a fort using sheets and played with our 
flashlight constellation numbers inside of it.

 Pumpkin playdough! 

 Ms. Dana got a her hair all fixed up! :)

 Finger painting the letter K!

For Jesus time we learned about how Jesus was able to walk on water! He can do anything! Even things we think are impossible!

See you next time!!