Monday, October 12, 2015

Last week was heated with excitement as the Giraffe class learned about fire safety! We talked about
where we can find fire: camping, kitchen, fireplace, wild fires in the woods, and house fires. We sorted these fires into two groups: safe (with parental supervision) and unsafe! The kids loved practicing Stop! Drop! and Roll! We talked about how this technique is used if our clothes catch on fire. Our letter of the week was H.

Take a look at our learning! Our curiosity was ablaze! 

We love using calm play opportunities 
to develop conversation skills.

H is for Hippo! 

 We turned plates into fire-fighter hats! 
Junior fire-fighters know that fire is not safe for us 
to touch.

 Oh No! The whiteboard is "on fire!" 
Who can rescue the magnetic letters??
Students had to follow the road to the whiteboard
and take a letter to the safety bowl. 
The students told the teacher which letters they saved.

We made a campfire out of Legos and built a wall 
around it to keep it safe!

 Mr. Kuppler is a volunteer from our church and a fantastic male role-model for kids.
He has taught Sunday school for many years (Ms. Tremmel had him as a teacher for four years).
We invited him to come and help us with activities a couple times a week.  

Look at this team work! Way to go girls!

The students got to put out fires with squirt bottles. 
This was a great workout for their fingers as we work on gross motor skills.

Students were given a picture of a house with a number. 
They had to count out that number of flames and 
then save the house by blowing flames off the house!

Puppet shows are a great way to process learning and develop language skills. 

Our Jesus Time focused on the story of David and Goliath. We talked about how sometimes we are scared, but God never leaves our side.

See you next time!