Sunday, October 18, 2015

We are FALLing in love with Fall in the Giraffe class! This week we learned about the life cycle of pumpkins. We learned how farmers plant pumpkin seeds, which turn into sprouts. The sprouts grow vines, which eventually get yellow flowers. Next baby green pumpkins grow on the vine. As the pumpkins mature they turn orange!

Our letter of the week was "I." And we reviewed numbers 0 - 6. 

Fun at home: 
Looking for a way to keep children occupied while you are cooking? Try setting up a tray (or cookie sheet to minimize the mess) with two bowls, a fork, a teaspoon, and a serving spoon. Put something in one of the bowls (such as ice or water) and challenge the child to transfer the items from one bowl to the other without spilling. The children are working on science (what happens if I scoop water using a fork?), and building motor skills in this fun activity.

Take a look at learning!

We made our own pumpkins using paper mache! 

We were so excited at how great they turned out!
The kids did a great job!

This week we used finger sleeves for our Q-tip paintings.
The students traced the letter "I"

Students traced the number six using stickers!

We painted pumpkin wreaths for our parents!

We counted pumpkins in mini pumpkin patches! 

Outdoor fun!

Field Trip! Time for fun at the Pumpkin Patch!

See you next week!