Sunday, October 25, 2015

The leaves are changing, and so are the students in the Giraffe class! It is so great to watch them grow! This week the students explored how trees get hungry (for sunshine) and thirsty (for rain) in the fall, which causes the leaves to change colors and fall down. The students wanted to problem solve and find a way to put the leaves back - they were quite persistent! But eventually, we realized that we will just have to wait until spring for the leaves to come back. We also had fun creating pumpkin art this week to celebrate the harvest season. 

Fun at home
The season of candy is here! Why not turn the treats into an opportunity for building fine motor skills? Before handing your child a piece of candy outright, try putting it in an empty bottle or container. Opening different types of containers is a great way to strengthen hand muscles.

I hope you enjoy pictures from this week's activities!

Our sensory table explored fall materials: dried corn, (paper) leaves, straw, and pinecones

 We painted the number seven!

 We practiced counting pumpkins (0 - 10).
Students were given a field with a number on it
and placed the pumpkins on the "x"s to match the number.

To help us remember that J says "Juh," we made Jellyfish!

To help the students observe the different properties of leaves,
we made leaf rubbings! The students were excited to see the shape
and texture of the leaves come through the paper.

This week, one of our families donated a stuffed puppy to our class. 
His name is Charlie! The students have really enjoyed learning 
how to care for Charlie. They pretended to feed
him and give him water. They take him for walks and 
even potty breaks by the grass.

"Hi, Ms. Tremmel! Why are you taking my picture?"

Tracing the number seven with stickers! 
This helps us learn the contour of the number, 
as well as strengthen our fingers.

We have a new station in our house center!
Students enjoyed clipping socks on the lines.
We are working on matching and fine motor skills. 

 Students made pumpkin patches with the letters of their name. 
Each pumpkin had a letter. Students had to match the 
pumpkins to the letters on the paper to create their name.
They finished by coloring their pictures.

 Student made their own fall trees, using paper towel rolls and pom-poms!
We had to make them upside-down so that the 
pom-poms wouldn't fall off while the glue was wet.

Q-tip painting the letter J!

Mr. Kuppler came to visit! 

 We are working on being able to independently 
create faces by the end of the year.
It was fun practicing on pumpkins!

 Pumpkin play dough! (It turned out more like apple cider - but we sure tried!)

This week for Jesus time we learned about how God 
kept Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego safe from the 
fiery furnace. God is so amazing!
Nothing is impossible with his help!

 Until next time!