Monday, November 9, 2015

Greetings from the Giraffe classroom! We had a busy week learning about Native Americans. The students learned that the Native Americans were the first people to live in America. They did not live in houses that look like our homes, nor did they dress like us! It was a fun week learning about a different culture!

Fun at Home
Want to make some Native American jewelry at home? It's very easy and builds great motor skills!
We used hemp twine for string - it tends to be more durable. We cut straws different lengths to use as beads as well as pony beads. Students thread the straws and beads onto the string. Before you know it, you have a beautiful necklace roughly resembling the art of Native Americans.

Take a look through some of our activities:

Students making Native American necklaces

Feather headresses! 
We learned that many tribes gave feathers 
to men after they performed great and heroic deeds.

 We watched a Native American drum circle 
and then made our own!

 We made Native American faces with our hand-prints!

 We painted rain sticks! 

 We learned that many Native Americans 
moved a lot to find food!
We made our own mini tee-pees.

During Jesus Time we learned about the 
10 men who had leprosy. Jesus healed all of the 
men, but only one came back to say "Thank you."
We have been reflecting on all of the wonderful 
gifts God gives us everyday.

Until next time....