Monday, November 23, 2015

What a blessed week it was last week! Students reflected on people and things that they are happy to have in their lives. We talked about what it means to be thankful and how we need to tell God thank you for all of the special people/things in our lives. 

Fun at Home!
Do you want to set up a cutting center at home? It's really easy - and makes it simple to practice cutting on a regular basis! Grab some scrap paper and put it in a plastic tub or bin. Our classroom tub is large, so we are able to cut over it when we practice. Another method for keeping the mess at a minimum is to have students cut over a tray. Some students are starting to become interested in cutting simple shapes (triangles, squares, and rectangles), which is great! Do not be worried if your child is not interested in that yet. The main focus at this time is strengthening the hand muscles and promoting good technique. 

Take a glance at some of our activities this week!

We had fun practicing spelling our names 
and making personalized turkeys!

 Students are gaining muscle control with play dough!
Some students are beginning to try to build letters!

We learned about things that start with N - like night!

We are learning about the number 9. 
The students traced the number with stickers.

 The class discussed things that we are thankful for 
(things that we are happy to have in our lives). 
We made thankful pumpkins to show our reflections.

 Students stamped the letter N!

Students were given the challenge of matching lids with their containers. 
They enjoyed this fine motor activity.

 Getting creative on the whiteboard...

We love books about Paw Patrol and the little dinosaurs!

The class worked together to make glazed carrots 
for the Thanksgiving Feast! 
We mixed butter, honey, and brown sugar.

At Jesus we learned how God provided food to the Israelites. 
God loves us! We may not always get the answer we want, 
but if we come to God with our problems, he will find the best solution.

See you next time!!