Monday, June 20, 2016

We have been pumping up our learning this summer as the giraffes learned about different parts of their body. We learned about our brain, heart, stomach, bones, and muscles! The class also did an experiment to help us remember that to keep our bodies healthy we need to wash those icky germs away with soap and water!

Check out some of our activities!

We learned that we have bones under our skin to protect
our insides! The class made outlines of our bodies using chalk
 and drew bones inside of us.

We made brain hats!
We colored a picture of our brain 
and wrote down some of the things that we 
think about around the hat.

 We made pictures of people with brains, 
hearts, and stomachs. 
We learned that brains help us think, 
hearts pump our blood around our body, 
and our stomachs store our food!

We learned that in order to be strong
we have to exercise our muscles and 
eat healthy food. We exercised our 
muscles with a relay race and an 
obstacle course!

For the relay race the students had to fill a cup of water and walk it to 
the big cup to fill it up!


How fast can they get through the relay race!

The class learned that a lot of the things
we touch have germs - and germs can 
make us sick! We did an experiment to see 
if we could just wipe our germs away. 
We couldn't! We had to use soap and water!


We made germ monsters to help us remember that germs are icky!

 Water day fun!

Drawing with chalk!

See you next week!