Monday, May 2, 2016

The class has loved learning about dinosaurs! They did a great job analyzing the sizes of the dinosaurs and what made the different species unique. The students are becoming more verbal when I ask them to explain their "yes" or "no" answer with an explanation. We really worked on using full sentences this week to talk about the dinosaurs. You may notice there are fewer dinosaur pictures this week, and that is because I was so excited about the discussions the students were having during the activities, I forgot to take pictures!

Check out some of our activities!

Students enjoyed being archaeologists and 
digging for dinosaur bones!

Students were given the opportunity to free paint
their own dinosaur foot. We put all of the 
dinosaur feet together in the hallway to make
dinosaur tracks!

 We love seeing students check out books
on their own! 

 A preschool family donated a baby doll
crib! It has made a great addition to our 

The students love holding baby dolls! This has been 
a great outlet for talking about emotions. Students 
explore different feelings by pretending that their
baby is feeling sad, mad, hungry, happy, and excited.
I have noticed that the students show a lot of 
gentleness with the dolls,and take the role of 
"mommy" and "daddy" seriously.

At recess, many of the students transformed
into dinosaurs and chased their friends
around the playground!

Tangrams can be tricky, but they are great way for students 
to work on shapes and puzzles in a less guided format!

The students love coloring with markers!
We colored a lot of dinosaur pictures!
Some students are exploring how to stay inside
the lines, other students are thinking about how
to make different objects in their picture different 
colors, and some students are still working on
gross motor control. All of these stages of writing 
are a part of the two and three year old age group!

After nap, I caught these two friends working
together to get socks and shoes on! 
I love when friends work together! 

Tracing lowercase letters with small paper
and glue!

Tracing letters and words on whiteboards!
When we trace them with paintbrushes 
the ink disappears! Cool!

 Some students are working on writing their name!
All of the students know at least one letter in their 
name by now. Many of the students can 
spell their names without help! Encourage 
your child to try and write down some of the 
letters in their name. Celebrate the success and 
offer assistance when there are any signs of frustration. 

See you next time!