Monday, February 1, 2016

What a BEAUTIFUL time it has been in the Giraffe class the last couple of weeks! In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., we have been talking about how our difference make us special. God loves us no matter what we look like. To Him, we are all beautiful!

Fun at Home!
Help build reading skills, by labeling people or things that your child calls beautiful. Can they think of five things they think are beautiful? What letter does it start with? As you write the word out, emphasize each letter and letter sound. Then let the child tape the label to person or object. The more responsibilities they have in this activity, the more interested they will be in doing it!

Check out some of our activities from the past couple of weeks!

For a science experiment, we thought about eggs. There are brown eggs and white eggs. 
The kids determined that they feel and smell the same on the outside. What about the inside?
We made a chart of their predictions. It was a tie between students who thought it would be the same and those who thought it would be different. They ended up being the same! God made people like that too! We look different from each other, but on the inside - we are all God's children!

 The students practicing matching pictures to their beginning letter.

The students cut paper strips into small pieces and 
used them to trace shapes. 

We enjoyed learning about how Jesus healed the blind 
beggar. Through Christ, anything is possible!

 Jesus loves us so much, he died for us 
on the cross. The students wrapped wooden crosses with yarn
to remind them of how much he loves them. 

The students made a dove using their finger prints. 
We are all God's children!

 The students got to decorate picture frames that remind them
that God thinks they are BeYou-tiful. 

 We made a friendship quilt using construction paper. 
The students decorated their paper and spelled their name.

 Some of our friends are beginning to cut on lines. Yay! 

 Painting the letter T

 The students had to fix the broken 
hearts by matching up the number with the correct
amount of dots.

 Tracing the letter T with stamps

Tracing the number 5 with stickers

We enjoyed learning about how God loves all of us! His love is strong, he sent Jesus to Earth so that one day we can go to Heaven. What a wonderful gift!

See you next time!