Monday, February 8, 2016

The Giraffes are learning about Love! Jesus loved us so much that he came to Earth and died on the cross so that one day we could go to Heaven. We have been talking about how we show love to our family and friends. We can share our toys, give hugs, help each other, say "I love you," and other acts of kindness.

Fun at Home
Want to make the tie-dye hearts that we made at school this week? They are easy, and lots of fun!
  1. Cut out a heart in a coffee filter.
  2. Have your child color the coffee filter with markers (encourage them to fill up the whole heart)
  3. Using a spoon, eye dropper, or straw have your child spread water all over the heart. You will want the heart on paper towels and a tray (or paper plate)
  4. Once the heart is wet dab it with a dry paper towel and let it sit to dry. 

Check out our LOVELY activities this week!

While students were making letters with playdough - 
Ms. Tremmel was spelling some of their favorite words, 
like "mom" and "dad!" 

Roses are red...Violets are blue... Can you find which heart I belong to?
We had fun matching pom-poms to the heart with the same color. 
Their favorite part was working with the tongs! 
This is great for their finger coordination.

Tracing on the light box.

We performed a science experiment with water, alka-seltzer tabs, 
and conversation hearts. We noticed that when the white alka-seltzer tabs got wet they 
bubbled! We counted how many tabs we needed to put in 
the jar with water to make the candy dance. It took at least 10!

Measuring and sorting in our Valentine's sensory bin. 
We have feathers, pom-poms, beads, buttons, and 
conversation candy. 

The students did a great job copying patterns with conversation hearts! 

 Stamping the letter U!

 Students practiced cutting and tearing small pieces of 
paper and gluing them to make a shape.

Students made tie-dye hearts using markers and water!

 Number twelve is proving to be a challenging number -
but the students are doing a great job of tracing it with stickers!

 We made umbrellas for the letter U!

This week we learned how Jesus wants us to love him the most and how he wants us to 
love our neighbors as ourselves. We talked about how our neighbors are everyone around us.