Monday, December 14, 2015

It may feel like fall outside, but the Giraffes are walking in a winter wonderland! We are having fun learning about the real reason for the season: Jesus! Jesus was born in a stable (or the kids might call it a barn) surrounded by animals. This is very interesting because Jesus is a King! Jesus is a very special King who cares about everyone! Next week we will be learning about how Jesus had visitors after he was born.

Fun at Home
Journey to Bethlehem:
Help children relate to the nativity story by role playing the journey to the manger . Set up a stable area with a star above the manger (a fort made of pillows will work) and set up paper stars for the child to follow around the house until they reach the baby!

Check out some of the activities we did this week!

We used fruit-loops to count nine ornaments on our Christmas trees.

 Mr. Mark read us a story after Jesus time!

The students got to make their own nativity sets!

 It might not be snowy outside, but we pretended it was snowy 
in the classroom with some flour sensory exploration.

The students love pretending they are elves at the North Pole. 
The teachers' favorite part was seeing them make toys for 
each other and give each other presents.

 We made snowflake ornaments using marshmallows and glue. 

 Ring around the rosy...

 We talked about shapes as we matched ornaments to their shape on the tree.

One of our friends made a ladder with dominoes!

 We made letter P penguins!

 We practiced spelling our names on ornaments!

Until next time - Merry Christmas!