Monday, December 7, 2015

December has just begun and it is already SNOW much fun! The Giraffes are learning about how at Christmas we are celebrating Jesus' Birthday, as well as exploring different elements of winter. 

Fun At Home
The students are getting a lot better at recognizing and spelling their names. Here's an easy way to practice spelling at home!
  • Use small pieces of paper or index cards and mix up the letters of their name. (side note: the more exciting the paper is the more interested the child is likely to be... look for colorful paper or let the child add stickers) 
  • See if they can put the letters back in order. They might need help, but try not to give them the answer right away. 
  • If they ask for help or get frustrated help them think about the letter sounds. Can they associate which letter is next by listening to the sound? If that does not work, provide a visual of the correct way to spell their name so that they can use it as a guide. 
  • After they feel successful with guidance, encourage them to try it by themselves. A few minutes practicing their names daily and they will have it in no time. 
Once they know their name, you can add family members and their favorite things (pets, toys, hobbies). If the words are meaningful to the child, they will be more interested in learning about it. If your child is not interested in spelling yet, that is okay. This is an advanced skill that can take time to develop. We want it to be fun and exciting, not a punishment.

Take a look at what we were up to last week!

The students enjoyed putting together our felt snowman (which they named Olaf). 
This is a great way to practice parts of the body (especially the face), 
as well as, sequencing biggest to smallest. 

Students reviewed how to make the number 3 using stickers. 

Our letter of the week was O! 
The students made Letter O Octopuses.

This month we are exploring different elements of winter. 
The students had fun making "ice" paintings by putting 
epsom salt on top of glue.


We are starting to introduce marker procedures. 
The students LOVE writing on the whiteboard. 
Some days they spent 20 minutes drawing on it!

The students practiced drawing shapes on the light box. 
They really enjoyed this activity!
If you want to make a lightbox at home, take a clear tub, 
put a strong flashlight underneath (cellphone flashlights work too)
and turn down the lights. 
Draw or print shapes on a piece of paper and put it on top of the tub. 
Put a clear piece of paper over the shapes you want the students to draw
and watch them trace!

Working together is fun!

The class made a manger for our pretend baby Jesus! 
We even got out farm animal toys to watch over him. 

We love seeing students read to each other!

Students tore paper into little pieces and traced the first letter of their name.

Students decorated snowflakes with Jell-O powder. 
The powder turned blue when it touched the glue!


We explored the feel of "snowy" flour. 
The students tried tracing shapes and letters in it.

We used stamps to trace the letter O!

This week we learned that Jesus came to Earth as a baby. 
He had a mommy (Mary) and daddy (God).
 On Earth, Joseph was a daddy to Jesus as well.

Talk to you later!