Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hello! This week the Giraffes have been exploring what they might want to be when they grow up. We have been talking about different jobs and having fun testing them out Giraffe style! Our letter of the week was F. We are continuing to work on numbers 0 - 5. We are getting better at connecting the symbol of these numbers with the quantity. A few students are even starting to count to 10 (and 20) without help! 

Enjoy our pictures from this week!

Students were given matching cards with different jobs on them. 
One card has a person dressed in a uniform for their job and 
the other card has the setting where they work.

The sensory table had a fun surprise!
The students became archaeologists and dug 
for fossils.

We had fun becoming construction workers as we 
built towers out of straws, castles out of legos, and 
a small fort using a fitted sheet and chairs. 

Anybody hungry??? 
How about a nice fish dinner?
The students became fishermen and 
caught some fishy letters using magnets.

The students became artists and painted pumpkins. They explored
mixing colors, and painting on different textures. 

The students enjoy cooking in the class kitchen. 
We talked about how chefs make food at restaurants.

How many students can fit 
on Ms. Dana's lap for a story?

We had fun pretending to sell ice-cream at recess! 

 The students did an excellent job tracing the letter
F with a Q-tip.

 We love catching friends sharing 
stories with each other!

God gives us many talents! We can use these talents to praise God and thank him for our blessings, whether we choose to become a pastor, missionary, teacher, archaeologist, artist, or anything else. 

See you next week!