Saturday, September 19, 2015

Happy Saturday! Sorry about the delay. The Giraffes finished our Apple unit this week. We practiced using descriptive language as we talked about the apples. Some of the words we chose to describe apples were juicy, smooth, wet, and hard. Our letter of the week was E. The "Eh" sound is tricky and can be easily confused with "Ah" for A.

This week look for opportunities to find things with sounds from letters A - E. This can be one way to make grocery shopping more engaging.
"What do ah-ah-apples start with?"
"Can you find any b-b-broccoli?"
"I spot some c-c-corn!"
"I wish I could have a d-d-donut..."
"How many e-e-eggs do you see?"

We don't want to confuse kids by emphasizing beginning sounds of words all of the time, but it can be very effective when we are training their ears to hear specific sounds. This is a prime time in their life to start these activities. As the year goes on, you will need to emphasize the sounds less as the students begin to do it more independently.

Scroll through our pictures to see some of our fun learning activities!

Students enjoy playing interactive learning games on the computer. The alphabet train
 is one of their favorites! The computer also give them a chance to practice 
taking turns and talking to each other with a clear communication goal.

The children really enjoy playing on our race track. They are
using a lot of imaginative play as they pretend to give each other gas for their 
cars and talk about different scenarios for each car. Even though it was not really about
apples - this was a great new free play activity that we started this week.

The students love going on picture hunts around the room!
This is great for their vocabulary development.

Letter Match-up Apple Picking!
The students were challenged to pick an apple
with a letter on it and find its basket. 
We used this game to work on letter identification and 
letter sounds for A - E. 

We have been talking about how apples can be red, green, or yellow. 
Students were given these colors to paint their own apples for a 
class apple tree.

Students were give the letter E this week to turn into elephants!

We love the fall weather!

The students enjoy playing matching games.
It's a nice quiet game for sleepy mornings.

At the end of Jesus time, Ms. Cari likes to ask the students 
if they had anything special they wanted to talk about. 
Some students showed her their boo-boos, 
while others wanted to show a silly face. 

God loves us, whether we are silly, happy, mad, or confused. 
This week we have been talking about how Jesus prayed too - 
just like us! God loves to talk to us! This week the students
thought about what they would like to tell God, and we practiced 
telling him how we feel.

Check us out again next week!