Friday, August 28, 2015

It's FRIDAY - which means it is time for a new blog post! Our theme this week was "Friends Through Faith." The class focused on how we want to treat each other with kindness. We looked at pictures of ways hands can be kind (helping, hugging, cleaning, etc.) and we practiced taking turns in group activities. Our letter of the week was B! We found pictures of things that start with B and make the "buh" sound. We practiced identifying numbers 0 - 4 and counting objects to practice associating quantity with the symbols.

The teachers are really excited to see students getting more comfortable with the school routine! It makes our day to see them smile as they learn.

 Please enjoy looking through our pictures from this week!

Ms. Dana loves hanging out in the library as much as the kids! It is so fun to listen to the kids retell the stories to each other.

Our sensory table had a colorful surprise!
The students were asked to try and sort the beads and the buttons by color.
Play-dough is a great outlet for creativity and hands-on processing.
The teachers modeled how we use the dough to make numbers.

We love having our doodle center in the classroom!
We always want to encourage students to strengthen
their grip by holding large crayons when they color.
Encouraging coloring now, can help encourage writing in the near future.
We practiced sharing and taking turns as we made a classroom "building" - which starts with B!
Uh Oh! Watch out! The Giraffe class made letter B BEARS!
 We practiced sharing large plates of beads as we made bracelets (another B word?!).
 Sharing can be hard - but the students are learning that it can also be really fun.
We are starting to work on name recognition. The students did a great job of gluing the cut-out letters of their name to the written version on the blue paper! We will gradually move from matching up the letters to arranging the letters independently. The kids are very excited about learning to read their names!

This week Jesus Time focused on when Jesus healed a paralyzed man because of his faith! Mr. Mark joined us for morning snack to talk to us about the paralyzed man's great faith as his friends lowered him through a roof to make sure that he was able to see Jesus.
What a busy week! We hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and we hope to see you at the church picnic on Sunday! It will be a ton of fun!